as of midday today, wags by mags! is officially wags by mags, llc!
**edited to add: and i have a business checking account to go with it, so checks can now be made out to wags by mags!
as of midday today, wags by mags! is officially wags by mags, llc!
**edited to add: and i have a business checking account to go with it, so checks can now be made out to wags by mags!
wow, i can’t thank everyone enough for the overwhelming support so far!
big big thanks to dog-walker extraordinaire ally kirk, who is leaving town and referred some of her special clients to me. and so much love and thanks to katy and shannah green at twisted hair salon for hooking me up with ally and referring several new clients to me from the salon. (also big love to my pal michelle ingram at zeus’ place for vouching for me – it means a lot coming from michelle because i have SO much respect for her and zeus’ place!) i feel very loved by my awesome friends and it’s so great to see small, local, women-owned independent businesses supporting each other so much.
right now, my daily walking schedule is pretty much fully booked, from about 9:30 a.m. until around 4 p.m. every monday through friday. i’ve been doing weekend dog-sitting pretty much every weekend, and am currently booked solid through the end of june. i need to take some time off from doing the weekend sitting so i can have a breather! (i haven’t had a day off since i began wags by mags!) at least until i hire and train some help who can take the pressure off of me. but, it might take a while for me to find just the right person or two who share my commitment to my standard of care – so for now, i’m instituting a moratorium on new dog-sitting and dog-walking clients. i’m just so busy at the moment i don’t think i can handle any more without compromising the quality of service. i will make an announcement when the moratorium is lifted.
i will decide about cat-sitting clients on a job-by-job basis, depending on the felines’ needs. the cats are a little easier to schedule, generally speaking, so might be able to be worked into the line-up. feel free to email me to inquire.
thanks again everyone. this has been life-changing for me, and i look forward to what the future will bring with this business. but for now, i’m just having fun, getting a tan and a lot of exercise hanging out with some of the best dogs in the world! (and the occasional cat!)
wags by mags! is now on facebook and twitter!
you can follow along with my pet adventures there, and for now, i’ll be posting pics of some of the critters i’m hanging out with on the facebook page. thanks for all your support!
i wrote this blog post about a month ago when i was first thinking about starting this pet care biz. thought i’d repost it here so you can see some of the dogs i’ve been hanging out with and learn a little more about my thinking about why i wanted to do this. i’ll blog here occasionally about the critters i’m hanging out with and on the topic of pet care in general.
hi! welcome to my pet-sitting and dog-walking biz, wags by mags, llc!
you’re in the right place if you’re looking for a responsible caregiver for your dog or cat. whether it’s midday dog walks or taking care of your animals when you are away, i’m happy to do it. i have a flexible schedule and am in many cases available on short notice. my rates are very reasonable and i’m willing to work with you to make it affordable.
email me for any questions and/or to set up a free consultation with you and your pet.