Time sure is flying! The first weekend of big parades has just passed, and the epic culminating weekend of carnival season is almost upon us. As always, I do not work on Endymion Saturday (because I live one block off the route and if I leave I will never get back into my neighborhood) or on Mardi Gras day (too much going on and I usually like to partake in the festivities). I will be working on Lundi Gras and Ash Wednesday for my regular clients, and I already have several pet sits booked for the days/week immediately following Mardi Gras, but nothing beyond that. So if you know you’ll be traveling further out in the spring or summer, get on my calendar now!
I did want to put the word out that I recently learned two of my longtime daily dog walking clients will be leaving my schedule in the coming months. One will be gone right after Mardi Gras, and the other not until late April. But it means I have some openings that I’d like to fill, preferably for ongoing daily/weekly dog walking. I might have one slot filled on M-W-F starting the week after Mardi Gras; if anyone is looking for Tues-Thurs service midday or even morning, let me know. And later in the spring I will be looking to fill another daily midday slot. So please pass the word!
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Mardi Gras!
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