is it hot enough for you yet?

oh my goodness, summer is in full effect already! and next week is supposed to be even hotter!

i’m updating to say a few things.

first, thank you for all the new queries. i’ve had a LOT of meet and greets for potential new clients, some of which have worked out and some have not. but that’s just how it goes in this biz. not everyone is a perfect fit for a multitude of reasons, most of the time it having something to do with logistics of my already established schedule. but i’ve enjoyed meeting both humans and pets and i welcome all my new clients!

that being said, i am now full up on dog walking clients, at least for the hot summer months, as i don’t like scheduling very late into the afternoon when the heat is at its peak. neither i nor the dogs enjoy walking at the hottest part of the day. so unless you have a non-walking daily dog query, my schedule is full for now. i might open it back up in the fall when the temps start to come back down to reasonable levels. we’ll see.

my overnight dog sitting calendar is also booked up now through august. i could *maybe* work in a non-overnight dog sit on select weekends but i am mostly booked up.

i still have a few slots open for once a day cat sitting visits but it will depend on your dates.

and lastly, if you have been trying to reach me via my email address, apparently not all my emails have been going through. i’ve heard from several folks who tried to email me weeks ago and i never received their emails. i’m not sure what’s going on, but for now just email me at my personal address: or text me at: 504-669-6770.

stay hydrated and in the air conditioning if you can, y’all!


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