well it seems like spring has sprung here in new orleans, or maybe we didn’t really ever have winter? regardless, the plants and animals all believe it is spring now, for sure, and this dog walker is enjoying the milder temperatures (though maybe not so much all the rain).
a few changes are happening here at wags by mags. after many months of deliberation, i’ve decided to scale back my daytime work week walking hours to free up some time for me to delve back into my creative pursuits. instead of working 9am – 5pm monday through friday, i’m going to be doing 9am – 2pm. this only affects two of my daily clients and i’ve worked with both of them to make this transition happen. i am grateful for their support on this.
i’d like to offer that i do have an opening in the 10:30 or 11am time frame, for someone located uptown, preferably between the napoleon/st. charles and university/audubon area. so get in touch if you are seeking daily 20-30 minute walks in this area.
i am still taking on dog and cat sitting gigs from time to time, though perhaps more picky than ever about overnight stays. cat sits that require only one visit a day in my service area can almost always be accommodated, though, FYI.
lastly, i would just like to plug my crowdfunding get-back-to-my-art site, which is on patreon.com. a lot of my clients are my personal friends as well and already know all about this, but for those of you who don’t, i’d appreciate you clicking the link and taking a look at what i’m up to. this is the other life i left behind when i started wags by mags, and it’s been a long hard journey back to it, but i’m excited to feel more whole again by jumping back in.
i love and appreciate all of you who have been my clients from the very beginning through now and i look forward to continuing to serve the pet care needs of my amazing town.