fall check-in…

hi everyone. just a quick update to say that my daily dogwalking schedule is now full again, thanks to the addition of maggie (magnolia) the golden retriever (on the left) and breaux the catahoula/lab mix (right).

also, the holidays are starting to book up. i have some availability for thanksgiving for both dogs and cats (no overnights) but only for cats for christmas, as i already have multiple dog bookings. get on my calendar soon if you need me!

enjoy the less-oppressive heat and hopefully soon cooler temps of fall!

dog days of summer…

yep, we are in it: the long slog of summer in new orleans. whew!

please enjoy this picture of my adorable client Chloe relaxing after a walk!

my pet care biz has slowly been organically morphing over the past year or two to more petsitting and less dog walking, as daily dog walking clients move, die or otherwise fall off my schedule. but petsitting bookings have increased at the same time, so it all works out. as i age, i’m finding this rebalancing to be just what i need to keep going with this business.

that said, i do have one or two openings for daily (M-F) dogwalking in the midcity/BSJ/fairgrounds or city park/navarre area. i am hoping to refocus my business to be closer to my home so i spend less time driving all over the city, as i try to reclaim time for my art business. i’d prefer a new client or two who need 3-5 days of daily walks/week.

i have also claimed two long weekends for myself over the summer to be off work entirely. the first is coming up at the end of july, the 26th-28th. and the second is my annual birthday break in august. i haven’t quite worked out the dates yet but will be in the 8th-16th range. i won’t be booking any petsits during these times and i’ll let my dogwalking clients know when the dates are finalized how this will affect them.

as always, thanks for your business and referrals everyone! i am grateful to be able to do this work and still be in business all these years later. (since dec 2010!)

happy holidays!

just a quick note to say that i am fully booked – overbooked really – between now and january 2nd. so i’m not taking any further bookings until 2024.

thank you to all my clients who keep me so busy and trust me with their precious furballs. december marks 13 years since i first started walking dogs! what a wild ride it has been over these 13 years!

happy holidays!

taking a mini break…

just a quick notice that i’ll be taking a few days off for my birthday in august and so will not be taking any bookings that span august 10th – 14th. that’s all! hope everyone is staying cool!

ah, spring!

i haven’t quite packed away the winter wear or blankets or turned off the pilot light on my floor furnace, just in case, but for the most part it seems spring is here. and we change the clocks back to daylight saving time this weekend!

my petsitting schedule has picked up considerably, which is great. but i STILL have openings on my weekday dog walking schedule. so if you are in need of dog walking services during the work week  – maybe you work long hours and feel bad about your pup(s) being stuck inside for so long, or even if you work at home but just can’t manage a break long enough to give them the exercise they need – hit me up! my 11:30-1:30 timeframe is booked but if you can make due with a little earlier or a little later, i can fit you in. uptown/riverbend/carrollton or midcity/bsj/fairgrounds preferred. lakeview possible, depending on timing. (not really able to service downtown – fq/marigny/bywater/9th ward – due to logistics.)

tell your friends! support your local independent pet care specialist who has been in business for 12 years!

It’s almost Mardi Gras!

We are just about to head into the busiest part of Carnival season, so Happy Mardi Gras y’all! As always, I do NOT work on Endymion Saturday (because I live a block off the route and it’s too hard to come and go) or on Mardi Gras day (because I like to partake in the festivities). Otherwise, you are welcome to try me but I’m not one to drop social plans for last minute requests, so it’s best to give as much advance notice as possible to increase the odds of me saying yes.

That being said, my daily dog walking schedule is pretty slow right now. One of my clients moved out of state a few weekends ago, so I have another opening on my calendar. Currently I have a 10 or 10:30am slot open as well as a 1pm slot – I could make the morning slot work in either the Uptown or Midcity areas (or anywhere in between) but the afternoon would have to be Midcity. If you are in need of service in another area or at another time, just check in with me – I might be able to move clients around to accommodate you.

My petsitting schedule is starting to fill up for March so if you have needs, get with me soon. I’m trying to take a quickie vacation myself over the April 1st weekend so won’t be available then.

Ok, see y’all in the streets!!

happy holidays!

yes, it’s time for one of my infrequent, brief posts. if you want to see more timely updates and lots of cute pet pics, you can follow me on instagram.

well the fall flew by (not really, i was sick the entire month of november) and here we are in december. the holidays are upon us. i do still have some openings for cat visits during the christmas – new years timeframe, as my daily dog walking schedule has quite a few holes in it right now. i’ve lost several canine clients in the past few months, all due to illness, and it’s not a great time to pick up new ones. so i have openings, even for last-minute travelers, assuming you are within my service area. hit me up!

i hope everyone has a joyful and safe holiday season!

it’s my birthday!

and you know what that means? yes i’m finally taking a few days off. i am taking off august 11th- 14th, 4 glorious days in a row without work! i need a breather.

for the rest of august, i am booked up. no openings for cats or dogs. period. and september is pretty well booked too. no overnight openings, no dog sit openings… maybe a few cat sit openings here and there – try me. and in october i have some openings towards the end of the month for both cats and dogs.

also, i am already booked for thanksgiving for overnight dogsitting. i can take a few once a day cats during that time but no more dogs.

big thank you to all my petsitting clients, new and old, who have kept me so so busy this summer. i can’t believe i worked straight through from early may to now without a single day off. that’s crazy. but it’s feast or famine in this biz and you kinda have to take the work when you can cuz other times of year are slow. so i’m grateful for all the business, if extremely exhausted from it. lol

ok, that’s all the update i’ve got for now!

is it hot enough for you yet?

oh my goodness, summer is in full effect already! and next week is supposed to be even hotter!

i’m updating to say a few things.

first, thank you for all the new queries. i’ve had a LOT of meet and greets for potential new clients, some of which have worked out and some have not. but that’s just how it goes in this biz. not everyone is a perfect fit for a multitude of reasons, most of the time it having something to do with logistics of my already established schedule. but i’ve enjoyed meeting both humans and pets and i welcome all my new clients!

that being said, i am now full up on dog walking clients, at least for the hot summer months, as i don’t like scheduling very late into the afternoon when the heat is at its peak. neither i nor the dogs enjoy walking at the hottest part of the day. so unless you have a non-walking daily dog query, my schedule is full for now. i might open it back up in the fall when the temps start to come back down to reasonable levels. we’ll see.

my overnight dog sitting calendar is also booked up now through august. i could *maybe* work in a non-overnight dog sit on select weekends but i am mostly booked up.

i still have a few slots open for once a day cat sitting visits but it will depend on your dates.

and lastly, if you have been trying to reach me via my mags@wagsbymags.com email address, apparently not all my emails have been going through. i’ve heard from several folks who tried to email me weeks ago and i never received their emails. i’m not sure what’s going on, but for now just email me at my personal address: margaret.coble@gmail.com or text me at: 504-669-6770.

stay hydrated and in the air conditioning if you can, y’all!


summer is here!

with memorial day weekend comes the summer, which means lots of folks are traveling. i guess we are getting back to some semblance of “normal” despite the pandemic not being over. i welcome the return to busy-ness but hope everyone remains vigilant and careful out there.

petsitting wise, i am booked up through june with dogs but have a few openings for cat sits. after that my schedule is fairly open right now, so if you know you are traveling later in the summer, book now!

i am currently accepting new dog walking clients. i have have an opening in the morning hours (9am-noon) in the uptown area, and i have another opening in the afternoon (12-3pm) in the midcity/bayou st. john/fairgrounds area. i am specific like this because that is where i already am, so logistically it would make most sense to have new clients fit into that existing driving route. but if you are flexible, i could maybe make it work if you are outside these parameters – just contact me and we can discuss.

stay cool and don’t forget to hydrate, y’all!